Sunday, 25 March 2012

Evaluation Q5

    How did we attract/address our audience ?
We attracted our audience mainly though the use of the soundtrack. We chose this particular soundtrack because of the way it builds tension. The soundtrack we chose builds tension through its very slow tempo, and it way that we have cut it so it gets louder during the scene. We have also cut it so that when the “killer” pours the chemical/poison into the cups the sound becomes quite loud and then goes suddenly quiet. We feel that this draws in the audience into what is happening before them and to signify that what is currently happening within the scene is important in relation to the plot-line. This is similar to the opening scene of Casino Royal (which has some thriller conventions) in which the soundtrack gets louder or quieter as the two characters talk or depending on the action happening within the scene.

No County For Old Men

We also used familiar location that the audience would recognise or have some familiarity to other locations (such as their own house or street or other parts of Britain). We did this so the audience could have some connection to the actual film. This is unlike some other thriller films such as No country for old men which used filming locations that would be recognisable to some American audiences, however it would be very difficult for a European audience to “connect” with the characters and find some recognisable features within the filming locations. Contrary to this would be thrillers such as The Bourne Ultimatum/ Supremacy and Unknown. These are thrillers that are primarily filmed in European locations and therefore would be more likely for a European audience to connect with as they would have more likely seen or been too the filming locations.

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